The National Society of
Leadership and Success
Building leaders who make a better world
Matthew Cordero's picture
Date of meeting: 
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Did you succeed in achieving your action steps since the last meeting? If yes, please state which action steps you were able to complete. If no, please explain the challenges that you experienced. (If first meeting, write ‘first meeting’ here.): 
My goal of completing college algebra and starting pre-calculus was not achieved. The reason is that I began to question whether I'm still interested in getting a bachelor's degree. However, I did accomplish my goal of figuring out my procrastination and how to deal with it. I figured that having a schedule would force me to do things at a certain time.
Please state your goal using the SMART Method: Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you are achieving. Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal. Actionable: You can clearly define action steps towards your goal Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile. Time Specific: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track. Example: “My goal is to receive a Sports Internship by May 1st”: 
My goal is to maintain the schedule I have created for the next six weeks to keep me on task and disciplined by June 2nd
Please list the action steps you will take to achieve your goals stated above. These are action steps that will be completed by next meeting. Example: “1. Finish my resume. 2. Talk with my advisor. 3. Submit a sports internship application at two institutions.”: 
Every day wake up bright and early at 6:00am and go exercise for an hour. A cycle which will repeat will consist of day 1 cardio and leg training, day 2 upper body, and day 3 core exercises. Then take a shower and eat breakfast at 7:30 am. Then spend time studying, going to class, and doing school work starting at 9:30 am. Lunch is from 11-12pm and a break will be taken at 2pm for 30 mins. Dinner will be from 5-6pm and at 6:30 I will engage in a creative activity like learning new skills or completing school work. At 10:00pm I will go to sleep.
How have the NSLS speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?: 
This SNT meeting has been beneficial being surrounded by people with experiences other than my own giving me insightful advice to help achieve my goals and create action steps.
Reviewed Date: 
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 6:00pm
Hi, Matthew! Thank you for your submission. I appreciate your transparency in acknowledging you didn't quite achieve your steps from last time, and that's a valuable step in self-discovery. It's great that you identified procrastination as a challenge for you and are developing a schedule to address it. If you're unsure about pursuing the degree still, you can always consider alternative paths like certificates or vocational training! Great job with your goal! It is specific, measurable, actionable, rewarding, and timely! Your detailed daily schedule outlines the action steps to achieve your goal, just make sure the schedule is realistic/doable and allows for flexibility if needed (e.g., unexpected events). You may consider reviewing your schedule after a few weeks to see if adjustments are needed/make sure it's still working for you. I'm glad that you are benefitting from the SNT meeting and gaining insight into others' experiences. This allows us to keep an open mind and be considerate of others. Overall, this is a well-structured response that demonstrates self-awareness and initiative! I will approve this report. Congratulations! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. - Miranda Aguilar