The National Society of
Leadership and Success
Building leaders who make a better world
Mackenzie Mullen's picture
Date of meeting: 
Friday, April 26, 2024
Did you succeed in achieving your action steps since the last meeting? If yes, please state which action steps you were able to complete. If no, please explain the challenges that you experienced. (If first meeting, write ‘first meeting’ here.): 
I was able to stick to mediating for 30 minutes everyday, as well as filling out my mood tracker. I wasn't able to fill out the journal a few times because I wasn't sure what caused the anxiety at those moments.
Please state your goal using the SMART Method: Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you are achieving. Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal. Actionable: You can clearly define action steps towards your goal Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile. Time Specific: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track. Example: “My goal is to receive a Sports Internship by May 1st”: 
Specific: I will gain better control over my anxiety and feel calmer. Measurable: I will make a mood chart in docs to keep track of my overall mood for each day. Actionable: I will start meditating during the middle of the day to promote a calmer mind through out the day. Rewarding: Ive noticed recently I have been getting worked up a lot and very early to the point my family thinks I am going to be working myself into having a heart attack. I don't want to get to that point and want to get to a more calm mind. Time Specific: In the next four months I am going to be moving into a new chapter in life, which alone can be stressful and what to go into it with a more calm and relaxed mind.
Please list the action steps you will take to achieve your goals stated above. These are action steps that will be completed by next meeting. Example: “1. Finish my resume. 2. Talk with my advisor. 3. Submit a sports internship application at two institutions.”: 
1. I will continue to set my noon alarm, however I will try switching from meditation an yoga to see how that works. 2. continue to fill out mood tracker. 3. when feeling anxiety rising I will take a few minute break to take deep breaths and focus on the moment and what is important.
How have the NSLS speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?: 
I was leaving for vacation and did the meeting with my family, in the beginning I explained what we do in the meetings and than went over what happened in the past week. I actually really enjoyed doing these meetings.
Reviewed Date: 
Friday, April 26, 2024 - 2:08pm