The National Society of
Leadership and Success
Building leaders who make a better world
Isbel Hernandez's picture
Date of meeting: 
Friday, April 26, 2024
Did you succeed in achieving your action steps since the last meeting? If yes, please state which action steps you were able to complete. If no, please explain the challenges that you experienced. (If first meeting, write ‘first meeting’ here.): 
Yes, I have been going to the gym consistently and reaching my protein goal and overall I have been eating healthy. It has been challenging getting into the grove of this whole new lifestyle, but overall I feel much better about myself.
Please state your goal using the SMART Method: Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you are achieving. Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal. Actionable: You can clearly define action steps towards your goal Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile. Time Specific: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track. Example: “My goal is to receive a Sports Internship by May 1st”: 
My goal is to be consistent with the gym and by July 1st and I would like to get tone.
Please list the action steps you will take to achieve your goals stated above. These are action steps that will be completed by next meeting. Example: “1. Finish my resume. 2. Talk with my advisor. 3. Submit a sports internship application at two institutions.”: 
1) Start by going to the gym 4 days out of the week. 2) Start increasing the weight. 3) Start increasing from 4 days to 5 days out of the week. 4) Start going everyday expect Sundays. 5) Start hitting my protein intake.
How have the NSLS speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?: 
The SNT meeting and my group helped me by giving me good advice about having a good routine for the gym and what specific workouts helps the most to get tone and build muscle.
Reviewed Date: 
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 5:29pm
Hello, Isbel! Thank you for your final report. Congrats on staying dedicated to your team and your goals! You did a good job of identifying you achieved your steps from last time, and I'm glad you're feeling positive about the changes you're making. I'm glad you received good advice from your SNT team and are using it to customize your workouts! Your action steps are similar to the last report, and you want to ensure you're listing specific achievable items and tasks within a week or so. Keeping your action steps as specific as possible will help keep you on track and make it easy to measure your progress, or if you need to tweak or update anything as you go. For example, action steps #1 and #3 are similar and instead could read as one, "I will increase from 4 to 5 days out of the week". For action step #5 of hitting your protein intake, what does that look like exactly? What foods are you implementing, and would you be willing to count/keep track of your intake with an app on your phone? Utilizing technology or another person for your goals can streamline tasks and help keep you accountable. I am denying this report for now, please review the above criteria and re-submit for re-review! Thank you and please reach out should you have any questions. - Miranda Aguilar