The National Society of
Leadership and Success
Building leaders who make a better world
Liza Rivera's picture
Date of meeting: 
Friday, March 22, 2024
Did you succeed in achieving your action steps since the last meeting? If yes, please state which action steps you were able to complete. If no, please explain the challenges that you experienced. (If first meeting, write ‘first meeting’ here.): 
First meeting
Please state your goal using the SMART Method: Specific: Avoid generalities! Your goal should have specific details so you know what you are achieving. Measurable: Make sure you have solid criteria for establishing your progress toward your goal. Actionable: You can clearly define action steps towards your goal Rewarding: Your goal must be something that is meaningful and worthwhile. Time Specific: Having specific dates for beginning and finishing goals keeps you on track. Example: “My goal is to receive a Sports Internship by May 1st”: 
SMART Goal: Specific: By 2025, my goal is to become an IT System Administrator specializing in federal cyber security, focusing on protecting government networks, systems, and data against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Measurable: I will measure my progress by obtaining relevant certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), gaining hands-on experience through internships or entry-level positions in cyber security, and actively participating in relevant training programs and workshops. Actionable: To achieve this goal, I will first research and identify the specific qualifications, certifications, and skills required for the role. Then, I will create a detailed study plan to prepare for the necessary certifications and gain practical experience through internships or entry-level positions. Additionally, I will network with professionals in the field and seek mentorship opportunities to gain insights and guidance. Rewarding: Becoming an IT System Administrator in federal cyber security is rewarding as it allows me to contribute to national security efforts by safeguarding critical government infrastructure and sensitive information. Additionally, this career path offers opportunities for professional growth, job stability, and the satisfaction of making a meaningful impact in protecting digital assets from cyber threats. Time Specific: I aim to achieve this goal by the end of 2025, allowing sufficient time to acquire the necessary qualifications, gain experience, and establish myself as a competent IT professional in the field of federal cyber security.
Please list the action steps you will take to achieve your goals stated above. These are action steps that will be completed by next meeting. Example: “1. Finish my resume. 2. Talk with my advisor. 3. Submit a sports internship application at two institutions.”: 
1. Research and Identify Qualifications and Certifications: - Research federal cyber security job descriptions and requirements to understand the specific qualifications and certifications needed for an IT System Administrator role. - Compile a list of commonly required certifications such as CISSP, CISM, CompTIA Security+, and any specific federal government certifications like Security+ CE or CISSP-ISSMP. - Determine the necessary skills such as network security, risk assessment, incident response, and familiarity with relevant federal regulations and frameworks. 2. Create a Detailed Study Plan: - Break down the study materials and topics required for each certification exam identified in the research phase. - Allocate time for regular study sessions and practice exams to prepare thoroughly for each certification. - Utilize online resources, study guides, and official certification materials to supplement learning and ensure comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. - Set measurable milestones and deadlines to track progress and adjust the study plan as needed. 3. Gain Practical Experience through Internships or Entry-Level Positions: - Research and apply for internships or entry-level positions in federal agencies, government contractors, or private sector companies with contracts involving federal cyber security. - Tailor resumes and cover letters to highlight relevant skills, certifications, and academic achievements related to cyber security. - Network with professionals in the field through online platforms like LinkedIn, professional organizations, and industry events to discover internship opportunities and receive guidance on applications. - Prepare for interviews by practicing common cyber security interview questions and showcasing enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to learn during the application process.
How have the NSLS speakers or SNT meetings helped you achieve your goals or changed your life?: 
Adam Grant's broadcast Hidden Potential provided valuable insights. What I recieved from his broadcast was the importance of embracing diverse perspectives, challenging conventional wisdom, and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. This was an affirmation because I have been applying these principles to my own life already. I've sought out opportunities to engage with a variety of voices and ideas, both within and outside formal settings. By doing so, I've gained new insights, expanded my horizons, and been inspired to push the boundaries of what I thought possible. Overall, Grant's teachings have encouraged me to continuously seek growth, embrace change, and strive for excellence in pursuing my goals.
Reviewed Date: 
Monday, April 1, 2024 - 8:45pm