The National Society of
Leadership and Success
Building leaders who make a better world
Kathryn Hall's picture

1. What were the main points of this speaker's presentation?

- There's no such thing as being the best...just outdo your competition.
- People who work at Microsoft may hate their jobs, but they love the company. They outlive their competition.
- Work to build a corporate environment so people feel comfortable saying they've made a mistake or are scared.
- You should want to be remembered as a loving "x", a devoted "x", or some way like this and not broadcast your final paycheck on your tombstone.
- Look for a mentor.

2. How will you apply this information in your life?

I need to outdo the competition in finding a new job. I need to figure out how to be the very best I can be so I outshine the rest and get an interview.

3. What did you find most interesting about this speaker?

He brings up technology and how Microsoft and Apple came to be and how they treat their employees.

4. If you could talk to the speaker, what would you say/ask?

I would enjoy talking more about technology as that is my school major.

5. Would you recommend this speaker to other students? Why or why not?

Definitely! Because he made the time fun and interesting.

Speaker Broadcast: 
The Infinite Game